Core Groups

IAPEN India Community Nutrition Core Group

  • Community nutrition is the process of helping individuals and groups develop healthy eating habits in order to prevent disease and to promote wellness.
  • The goal of community nutrition is to educate individuals and groups so that they adopt healthy eating habits and to emphasize a preventive approach in educating individuals in how a change in dietary habits will reduce the risk of illness.
  • Community nutrition focuses on all age groups. The groups targeted range from babies to pregnant women to older adults.
  • Community nutrition programs attempt to change attitudes and emphasizes a lifetime of routine healthy eating.
  • Community nutrition addresses many health conditions and economic conditions such as poverty, which limit access to healthy food, lack of nutritional information, and cultural traditions that promote unhealthy eating. Community nutrition programs strive to improve eating habits.


  • Amplify the contribution and value of diverse nutrition to the community.

MISSION :The Mission of the Core Group is to better human health by:

  • Accelerating improvements in health and well-being of the community through food and nutrition.
  • Contributing to the fundamental knowledge of how food and nutrients impact human health and disease,
  • Delivering innovative, research-based interventions and service programs which alter meal patterns and food choices with the goal of improved health of individuals, families, and communities.
  • Providing a multidisciplinary forum for sharing of knowledge, knowledge production and to provide affordable, accessible, and cost effective solutions to people in different economic strata.
  • Advocacy to ensure & to promote nutrition awareness among the population of all  age groups to prevent malnutrition.
  • To raise awareness, and advocate for improved programmes to achieve sustainable food and nutrition security in community
  • To promotes positive nutrition practices through awareness sessions, camps, multidisciplinary research, developments, dissemination, training and evidence-based programming to encourage wise use of resources, enable access to nutritious and safe food.

    VISION :

    • Heathy & food secure community where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition.
    • Optimizing the population’s health through the application of community nutrition principles and interventions.

    VALUES :

    • The Core group will demonstrate its commitment to the following Values- 
    • Wellness – Physical & Emotional Health, Including optimal nutritional health, Chronic disease prevention , Physical activity & Food safety is emphasized and supported.
    • Innovation–Careful attention to new ways to approach awareness sessions ,teaching, research, and other outreach programmes
    • Responsibility–Responds to the nutritional needs of the community and serves the people in a systematic fashion through the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge .
    • Diversity -The differences in ethnicity, culture and life experiences among community members will be valued and respected

    Value Statement:

    • The Core group will be undertaking such other activities relevant to achieving the vision from time to time


  • To promote sustainability in the community to encourage use of local food sources and create opportunities for healthier lifestyles
  • To develop nutrition interventions and education programs tailored for community members that encourages healthful eating and increased physical activity.
  • To enhance knowledge and skills of the community-members related to current and emerging public health nutrition and community nutrition issues through evidence-based and practice-based solutions
  • To promote the translation of nutrition research to health and quality of life.
  • To work along with Government & Non-Government Organisations for the improvement of the nutritional standards and play a role in framing policies and programmes for the people in need.


Hon. Mentor - Dr. Amit Goel , MBBS,MD,DNB, DM

Professor & Head
Department of Hepatology
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
Head, WHO
Member, Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) on Hepatitis, HIV and STIs in WHO South-East Asia Region
 13+ years of Academic, Teaching,
Research and Patient Care Experience More than 100 peer-reviewed publications indexed in PubMed
 Book Chapter Published: 10
 Areas of Interest : Acute Viral Hepatitis
Hepatitis B Virus
Chronic Hepatitis C Virus
Clinical Epidemiology
Public Health
Nutrition in Chronic Illnesses

Hon. Chairperson - Dr. Arvind Singh

Professor, RMLIMS Lucknow
MBBS – KGMC, Lucknow (2002).
MD (Community Medicine) – LLRM, Meerut (2007).
Work experience:
Over 15 years of teaching & training experience over faculty positions at Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar; BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur; MRA Medical College, Ambedkar Nagar; Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Inst of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Research experience:
Over 15 MD/ PhD projects as chief guide/ co-guide; co-PI in 03 ICMR projects; over 20 research publications in international/ national journals.
National trainer for Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI); Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Kaaryakram (RBSK); SAANS Program (Prevention of Respiratory Infections); Child Death Review Program (CDR); Member of task force for development of requirements for medical colleges in U.P.; Member of Covid Command Center Team for state of U.P.; etc.

Hon. Chief Program Officer - Ranu Singh

Community Nutritionist, Founder – Nutrition Punch
Secretary IAPEN India Lucknow Chapter.
Core Member & Faculty-Nutrition and Diabetes India, A Core Group of IAPEN India, Head Uttar Pradesh - Global Nutrition Partnership Program of IAPEN INDIA-ASPEN,
Core Member-Hypertension & Nutrition, A Core Group of IAPEN India  
Research Scholar (PhD), MSc. (F&N). Certified Diabetes Educator (IDF),
Fellowship in Clinical Nutrition, Certified Maternal & Child Nutritionist,
Master Certificate in Programming for Infant & Young Child Feeding (UNICEF &Cornell University).Maternal Infant Child Adolescent Nutrition Course - MIYCAN (PHFI), e-postgrad program in Public Health Nutrition (PHFI) ,Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Humanitarian WASH Coordination, Early Childhood Programming in the field (UNICEF)
Certified ESPEN LLL in:
Nutrition In Liver & Pancreatic Diseases,
Nutritional Support IN GI Diseases, Nutritional Support in Renal Diseases,
Nutrition Support in Obesity & Nutrition & Physical Activity @ Lyon, France,
Nutritional Support in Diabetes and Dyslipidemia & Nutritional Support in Pulmonary Diseases @ Vienna ,Austria ,
Nutritional Support in the Older Adults &Nutritional Support in Metabolic Syndrome @ Chennai ,Nutritional Assessment & Techniques@ Puducherry
 Nutritionist working among females of reproductive age group of urban slums and rural areas.
Area of work -
Creating awareness about dietary requirements, healthy lifestyle, importance of healthy eating, sanitation & hygiene to improve knowledge, health behavior and health outcomes related to prevention & management of Diabetes & other diseases.
Memberships :
Member of American Diabetes Association,
Associate Member of American Society of Nutrition,
Life Member of IAPEN India,
Indian Dietetics Association,
Nutrition Society of India, Society of Renal Nutrition & Metabolism& Indian
Public Health Association.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee - Reasearch - Dr. Renuka Mainde

Clinical Nutritionist working in field of Nutrition and lifestyle disease management for last 20 yrs.
She is Educator and holds the teaching experience to graduate and post graduate studies for more than 12 years.
She works as visiting faculty to LAD college 100-year-old premier institute for Women's education in Nagpur affiliated to RTMNU Nagpur University, and also to Raisoni College of Hospitality studies Nagpur, under KKU university Ramtek.
She is effective public speaker in field of Nutrition and wellness. She has worked as Chief Dietician with Top tertiary care corporate hospitals in Mumbai, Baroda, Aurangabad and Nagpur.
She was Nutritionist with IHCL (Taj Hotels and Resorts) and faculty for IHM-A leading school of hotels owned by Taj group.
She is regularly conducting corporate trainings on diet and wellness to National and Multinational companies, Schools, colleges and various government Institutes.
He received Gold Medal in her master's degree with special meritorious award in graduation level.
She was awarded Ph. D in Food Science and Nutrition.
Received Special "Youth in Action" award by UNESCO Paris and Presented a paper on Mother headed Families in Paris.
She also received Maharshi Dondu Keshav Karve award for first position in M.Sc. in faculty of Home sciences.
Recently she is recognized with Nutri Educator Award by SVT college of Mumbai for her exemplary work in field of Nutrition education to masses. She is research guide to students of M.Sc.. DFSM IGNOU.
10 Students have successfully completed their research work and 6 are in Pipe line.
She was the e-content writer for MOOC course on Functional foods and Nutraceuticals under the coordinator Dr. Rekha Sharma. She also contributed 15 chapters in the Book Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals edited by Dr. Rekha Sharma. She was the content creator in Swayam Prabha for Fundamentals of Foods and Nutrition, and developed videos for 3hrs 30 minutes.
Has publications in 3 National and 1 International Journals.
She has Authored Book- Nutrition for Happy Heart and Co authored two Books Fundamentals of Food science and Nutrition and A textbook on Nutrition Across Lifespan syllabus based books for students of B.Sc..
Home Science and Hotel Management students.
Presently she is also associated with nutritionist with Mahindra and Mahindra and conducting CSR based Nutrition support programs for Wardha and Arvi Districts.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee – Academics - Ms Anshu Mehra

Academician & Freelance Clinical Dietitian Meerut NEC Member IAPEN India
Associate Professor, Meerut College, Department of Home Science
Certified Diabetic Educator and Freelance Dietitian with 20+ years of experience.
Founder "Salud by Anshu." FSSAl registered entrepreneurship.
MSc in Food and Nutrition
Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition And MBA
Instructed various courses for bachelor's and master's students in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics and Food and Nutrition.
Advisory Dietician at Blossoms School and NGO Gyanoday.
IAPEN INDIA National Executive Committee Member, Core
Group Community Nutrition (Honorary)
Lifetime Memberships: - IAPEN INDIA, IDA, NSI, Colitis and Crohn's Foundation,
NetProFaN, ASPEN, GNP Block Member of ESPEN, - Member
Conducted Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Workshops for schools, colleges, communities, and corporates
Played a key role in organizing the Excellence Awards for Nutrition 2020-21 by IAPEN INDIA.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee Community Health and Nutrition Programmes - Mr. Soumyendu Ghosh

M.Sc. (Clinical Dietetics),
PGD, Diabetes Educator (IDF),
CDE (NDEP) Clinical Dietitian,
Diabetes Educator and Lifestyle Counselor
Currently leading an Online MNT Course for Dietetics and Nutrition students & professionals
Practicing as freelance Dietitian and also attached at Soulful Steps and Mindset Clinic for Developmental Kids in Kolkata Attached with NGO (S.O.S Village) to provide nutrition education to the rural mothers.
Formerly associated as Dietician Lead Eastern Region, India for Abbott Nutrition , Worked in As a Dietitian at Calcutta Fitness Club
As a Diabetes Educator & Clinical Dietitian at AMRI Diabetes and Hormonal Institute, Kolkata,As a Dietitian in Park Clinic, KPC Medical College & Hospital.
Participated in Pan India operational research to study outcome of Diabetes in terms of HbA1c and quality of life in diabetes patients, conducted by IDE, New Delhi.(sponsored by HOPE, USA.) at Apollo Multispecialty Hospital
Worked as a Corporate lifestyle counselor in IBM, TCS, Vodafone, Reliance, Jet airways etc.
Awarded Quality Awards for Excellence in Nutrition Innovation by IAPEN India Association.
Worked as nutrition counselor for 500+school children with Abbott, NUTRELLA and Symo Educare, Involved in Nursing training program for different Hospitals
Coordinator & Speaker in a Diabetes Education & Nutrition workshop in scientific session organized by RSSDI West Bengal Chapter (S.S.K.M Hospital) & Diabetes Association India (DAI)
As a Speaker in Different Scientific Seminars for Doctors and Patients Education program, Onco-Nutrition for Oncology faculty at Saroj Gupta Cancer Hospital, SSKM Hospital Surgery ICU for PGD. doctors on ICU Nutrition
Several time speaker at Calcutta Medical College on different aspects of Diabetes for Endocrinology Department
As a Speaker at “All Tripura Diabetic Conference”, Agartala, Tripura.
As a Speaker for North-East Diabetic Society, Dibrugarh, Assam
Life Member of IAPEN, Indian Dietetic Association and Life Member Association of Diabetes Educator.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee Nutrition Education – Coordinator - Rashmi Shrivastava

Sr Clinical Dietitian and certified
Sports Nutritionist Certified diabetes educator
EC member IDA M.P. Chapter since 2014.
Vice President IAPEN India Bhopal chapter 20 years working experience as clinical dietitian
Presently working as a clinical dietitian in Hajela hospital, Smart City
hospital,People's Hi tech general hospital Bhopal.
Consultant clinical dietitian in Sharda hospital Bhopal , Consultant Nutritionist in Composite regional Centre.
Ex Sports Nutritionist in MP State Sports Academy TT Nagar stadium Bhopal.
Ex consultant nutritionist in Sharda Vidya Mandir Bhopal Consultant Dietitian in Maneesha hospital. Life member IDA, IAPEN India Conducting CNE, lectures, workshops competitions on breastfeeding, nutrition month, Dietetics day, Diabetes day, Heart day, Hepatitis day etc. since 2012.,Delivering Nutrition talks at Doordarshan and AIR since 2012.
Have published many articles in newspaper and sports magazine
Awarded for category of experimental nutrition in IDACON 2018 at Indore.,
Awarded by Chikitsak Samman by Medical education minister Mr Vishwas Sarang.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee Nutrition engagement strategy - Dt. Sanjali Ekatpure

Bachelor in Food Tech & Management Masters in Nutrition & Dietetics
Nutrition Consultant, Poona Super Speciality Clinic, Viman Nagar Pune.
Tara Mobile Creches Pune Executive Committee Member - Community Nutrition Core Group IAPEN India & IAPEN Pune Chapter.
Life Member of Indian Dietetics Association & Nutrition Society of India.
 Prevention of Lifestyle Disorders, Community Nutrition, Therapeutic Diets in Disease
 Presented Poster on “Nutrition in Cancer” at the International Oncoplasty Symposium, IISER Pune - August 2018.
 Presented a Research paper at a National Seminar by IIE, Pune - September 2018.
 Awarded Best Achievement in Health Care & Clinical Dietetics April 2021.

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee Community Nutrition Initiatives & Outreach Specialist - Dr. Ananya Kashyap

HoD, Department of Community Science, H.P.B. Girls’ College, Golaghat, Assam
Guwahati Chapter Secretary, IAPEN India Former Programme Coordinator cum Associate Professor, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Assam down town University, Guwahati.
Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition
M. Sc. in “Food Science and Nutrition” and “Dietetics and Food Service Management” Diploma in Sports and Exercise Nutrition  Journal reviewer of “Food and Nutrition Sciences” (FNS) ,
Research and reviews:
A journal of Pharmacology” and “Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences (Springer Nature Group)”
Life member:< IAPEN India, NSI, IDA , Epidemiology Foundation of India and HSAI
Has many publications in national and international journals.
Has five book chapters in various edited books.
 Has won awards in IDA and other national conferences.
Guided 6 M.Sc. students

Hon. Member of National Advisory Committee - Community Nutrition Initiatives & Outreach Specialist - Dr. V. Bhavani

Received sadhana Award, 2022, for Best Clinical Nutritionist in India Received Quality awards in the field of Public Health Nutrition , National level by IAPEN
Credited with more than 25 research papers in Nutrition, focusing mainly in Public Nutrition
Authored Newsletter” Nutrition from womb to tomb” published by SDAT Govt. of TamilNadu
Authored a chapter on :Immuno Nutrition in HIV” Manual released by His Excellency Governor of Tamil Nadu
Authored a chapter on “Core Contribution of MNT in Covid” for Madurai Kamarajar University students
External Expert for six Ph.D candidates at MEHER, Chennai Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Food and Nutrition sciences, New York, USA Conducted number of community outreach welfare/ awareness programs for pregnant women, adolescent and children in Chennai Participated in number of nutrition interviews and education programs in various Tamil satellite channels and Tamil magazines
Secretary, IDA Chennai Chapter
RD Representative, Chennai Chapter